Saturday, April 20, 2013

"Evolving Science and Faulty Forensics: Legal Theories for Advancing Innocence Claims."

I have just returned from an excellent conference, "Evolving Science and Faulty Forensics: Legal Theories for Advancing Innocence Claims." There were top attorneys and experts from around the country, who addressed DNA, forensic pathology, arson, microscopic hair evidence and bite-mark testimony. The conference also helped train me to think differently about scientific evidence, how to present better constitutional challenges, and improve my post-conviction motion and appellate practice. If I can be of assistance to you in any similar situation, please let me know.

I also want to thank the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers for sponsoring this FREE training (i had to pay my travel and hotel). While our state and local defense organizations are terrific, I think it is important to belong to NACDL if you want to be a top lawyer. This is the best way to learn and share cutting edge knowledge with people who have litigated these issues and understand the science and the law.

Friday, April 12, 2013

National Forensic Science Conference

I am looking forward to attending a conference on Thursday, April 18, 2013, put on by the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. The Conference is called: "Evolving Science and Faulty Forensics: Legal Theories for Advancing Innocence Claims. Here is the Agenda:

8:45 am Legal Theories in Post-Conviction Innocence Cases Jeffrey Fisher, Barry Scheck
10:15 am Break 

10:30 am Defending Shaken Baby/Abusive Head Trauma Cases: New Challenges to the Shaken Baby HypothesisKeith Findley, Heather Kirkwood & Dave Moran
11:30 am Pre-Trial and Post-ConvictionBite Mark Litigation Tucker Carrington & Chris Fabricant
12:30 pm Break (pick up lunch) 

12:45 pm Lunch session: Fighting Fire with Science: Does Proving the Arson Testimony Was Junk Prove Legal Innocence? Moderator: Marrisa Boyers Bluestine; Panelists: Rob Dunham, Michael McKenzie 
1:45 pm Break 

2:00 pm Microscopic Hair Comparison Analysis Peter Neufeld, Norman Reimer 

3:00 pm Mixture Interpretation and Unscientific DNA Inclusions Dr. John Butler, Olga Akselrod & Jennifer Friedman

Wednesday, April 3, 2013